2. | Poem Montag reads to Mildred's friends. |
5. | According to the rule book, he was the first fireman. |
6. | Man who Montag met a year ago at the park and who now is helping him. |
9. | Number of atomic wars since 1990. |
10. | Montag tried to fill one with sand as a child. |
11. | Mildred and her friends watch him on the parlor walls. |
12. | Montag kills this man. |
13. | This a symbol of the profession of fireman. Plus, it is the shape of the fire trucks. |
15. | According to Beatty, this word became like a swear word. |
16. | Card game that the men play at the firehouse. |
17. | Advertisement on the train was for this product. |
18. | The book of the Bible that Montag has in his memory. |
19. | Faber's old profession. |
20. | Granger says they are going to build this kind of factory. |
21. | Beatty has Montag use this instead of kerosene on his own house. |
25. | Mildred considers the people on the television her ___________________. |
26. | How many copies of Shakespeare are in existence. |
27. | Used to be 20 feet long but now are 200 feet long to accomadate for speed. |
28. | Architects stopped putting these on houses. |
29. | Clarisse's uncle once got arrested for being a _______________________. |
31. | Faber says he is going to catch the 5 a.m. bus to this city where he will print books. |
32. | Montag jumps into this to escape from the mechanical hound. |
33. | One of the fireman whom Montag attacks. |
34. | Girl who is most responsible for Montag's transformation. |
35. | The protagonist of the story. The most dynamic character. |
37. | If you rub this on your chin and it comes off, it means you are in love. |
38. | Name for headphones. |
39. | Flammable oil used by the firefighters to burn the books. |
40. | Cars have this name in the novel. |
42. | This is the other anesthetic besides morphine that the Hound injects into its victims. |
43. | Man Montag meets on the tracks. He teaches Montag that everyone has to leave his mark on the world. |