Lettiere's English on the Web

April 15, 2012

Parts of Speech | Parts of Sentence | Usage | Resources


Parts of Speech

nouns | pronouns | adjectives | verbs | adverbs | prepositions | conjunctions | review quizzes


Duke's Notes on Nouns

top | Parts of Speech | Parts of Sentence | Usage


Duke's Notes on Pronouns


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Duke's Notes on Verbs

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Duke's Notes on Adjectives

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Duke's Notes on Adverbs

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Duke's Notes on Prepositions

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Conjunctions & Interjections

Duke's Notes on Conjunctions
Duke's Notes on Interjections

top | Parts of Speech | Parts of Sentence | Usage

Review/Combination Quizzes:

Parts of Speech Vocabulary:

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Parts of Sentence

Subjects and Predicates:

top | Parts of Speech | Parts of Sentence | Usage


top | Parts of Speech | Parts of Sentence | Usage

Subject Complements:

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Sentence Types:

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Usage Quizzes: top | Parts of Speech | Parts of Sentence | Usage

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Duke of Definition: English on the Web -- Grammar
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