Vocab Units 1 - 10 Flashcards


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adulterateto corrupt, make worse by the addition of something of lesser value
ambidextrousable to use both hands equally well
augmentto make larger, increase
bereftto make larger, increase
deploy1. to position or arrange; 2. to utilize
dourstern, unyielding, gloomy, ill-humored
fortitudecourage in facing difficulties
gapeto stare with open mouth; to open wide
gibe(v.) to utter taunting words; (n.) an expression of scorn
guisean external appearance, cover, mask
insidiousintended to deceive or entrap; sly, treacherous
intimationa hint, indirect suggestion
opulentwealthy, luxurious; ample; grandiose
pliable1. easily bent, flexible; 2. easily influenced
reiterateto say again, repeat
stolidnot easily moved mentally or emotionally; dull, unresponsive
tentativeexperimental in nature; uncertain, hesitant
unkempt1. not combed; untidy; 2. rude, unpolished
verbatimword for word; exactly as written or spoken
warilycautiously, with great care.
adroitskillful, expert in the use of the hands or mind
amicablefriendly, neighborly
averseopposed, unwilling; having a deep-seated distaste
belligerentgiven to fighting, warlike; aggressive
benevolentwell-meaning, charitable, kindly
cursoryhasty, not thorough
duplicitytreachery, deceitfulness, fraud
extolto praise excessively
feasiblepossible, able to be done
grimacefaical distortion, pained expression
holocausta large-scale destruction, especially by fire
imperviousresistant; not affected or hurt by
impetusimpulse, stimulus, incentive
meticulousextremely careful; particular about details
nostalgiadesire for something in the past
quintessencethe most typical example
retrogressto return to an earlier condition
scrutinizeto examine closely
tepidlukewarm; unenthusiastic
adversaryaudio_icon.gifan enemy, opponent
alienateto turn away; to make indifferent or hostile
artificeaudio_icon.gif1. a skillful or ingenious device; 2. clever trick; 3. clever skill
coerceaudio_icon.gifto compel, force
craven1. (adj.) cowardly; 2. (n). coward
culinaryaudio_icon.gifof or related to cooking or the kitchen
deleteto erase, wipe out
demisea death, especially of a person in a high position
exhilarateaudio_icon.gifto enliven, cheer, give spirit or liveliness to
fallow (adj.)audio_icon.gif1. plowed but not seeded; 2. inactive; 3. reddish-yellow
harass1. to disturb, worry; 2. to trouble by repeated attacks
inclementaudio_icon.gif1. stormy, harsh; 2. severe in attitude or action
museto think about in a dreamy way, ponder
negligibleaudio_icon.gifso unimportant that it can be disregarded
perpetuateaudio_icon.gifto make permanent or long lasting
precedentaudio_icon.gifan example that may serve as a basis for imitation or later action
punitiveinfliclicting or aiming at punishment
redress1. (v.) to set right, remedy; 2. (n.) relief from wrong or injury
sojournaudio_icon.gif1. (n.) a temporary stay; 2. (v.) to stay for a time
urbanerefined in manner or style, suave
fallow (n.)audio_icon.gifland left unseeded
affiliatedaudio_icon.gifassociated, connected
ascertainaudio_icon.gifto find out
attainmentaudio_icon.gifan accomplishment, the act of achieving
bequeathaudio_icon.gifto give or pass on as an inheritance
cogentaudio_icon.gifrelevant, to the point; convincing
convergeaudio_icon.gifmove toward one point
disperseaudio_icon.gifto scatter, spread far and wide
esteemaudio_icon.gifto regard highly
expungeaudio_icon.gifto erase, obliterate, destroy
finiteaudio_icon.gif1. having limits; 2. lasting for a limited time.
invulnerableaudio_icon.gif1. not able to be wounded or hurt; 2. shielded against attack
malevolentaudio_icon.gifspiteful, showing ill will
nonchalantaudio_icon.gifcool and confident, unconcerned
omniscientaudio_icon.gifknowing everything; having unlimited awareness or understanding
panaceaaudio_icon.gifa remedy for all ills; cure all
scrupulousaudio_icon.gif1. exact, careful, meticulous; 2. having high moral standards, principled
skulkaudio_icon.gif1. to move about stealthily; 2. to lie in hiding
superciliousaudio_icon.gif1. proud and contemptuous; 2. showing scorn because of a feeling of superiority
uncannyaudio_icon.gifstrange, mysterious, weird, beyond explanation
venialaudio_icon.gifeasily excused; pardonable
altruisticaudio_icon.gifunselfish, concerned with the welfare of others
assentaudio_icon.gif1. (v.) to express agreement; 2. (n.) agreement
benefactoraudio_icon.gifone who does good to others
chivalrousaudio_icon.gifmarked by honor, courtesy, and courage
clemencyaudio_icon.gifmercy, humaneness
dearthaudio_icon.gifa lack, scarcity, inadequate supply
diffidentaudio_icon.gifshy, lacking self-confidence
discrepancyaudio_icon.gif1. a difference; 2. lack of agreement
embarkaudio_icon.gif1. to make a start; 2. to go aboard
facileaudio_icon.gif1. easily done or attained, effortless; 2. fluent; 3. superficial
indomitableaudio_icon.gifunconquerable, unbeatable
infallibleaudio_icon.giffree from error, perfect
plodto walk heavily or slowly; to work slowly
pungentaudio_icon.gifcausing a sharp sensation; stinging, biting
remissaudio_icon.gifneglectful in performance of one's duty, careless
reposeaudio_icon.gif1. (v.) to rest; 2. (n.) relaxation, peace of mind
temerityaudio_icon.gifboldness, rashness
truculentaudio_icon.giffierce and cruel; aggressive
unfeignedaudio_icon.gifsincere, real, without pretense
virulentaudio_icon.gif1. extremely infectious, malignant, or poisonous; 2. hateful, spiteful
accedeaudio_icon.gif1. to agree or assent; 2. submit or yield to another's wish or opinion; 3. to assume an office
brandishaudio_icon.gifTo wave or flourish (a weapon, for example) menacingly
compriseaudio_icon.gifto include; contain
deftaudio_icon.gifskillful, nimble
destituteaudio_icon.gifdeprived of the necessities of life; lacking in
explicitaudio_icon.gifdefinite, clearly stated
extirpateaudio_icon.gif1. to destroy totally; 2. to tear up by the roots
inopportuneaudio_icon.gifcoming at a bad time; not appropriate
ironiccontrary to what was expected or intended; sarcastic
mustystale, moldy; out-of-date
officiousaudio_icon.gifmeddling; excessively forward in offering services
ominousaudio_icon.gifunfavorable, threatening, of bad omen
pinnacleaudio_icon.gifa high peak or point
premeditatedaudio_icon.gifconsidered beforehand, deliberately planned
rampantaudio_icon.gifgrowing without check, running wild
solaceaudio_icon.gifcomfort, relief
statelydignified, majestic
suppleaudio_icon.gif1. bending easily; 2. adaptable; 3. servile
suppressaudio_icon.gifto stop by force, put down
venalaudio_icon.gifopen to or marked by bribery or corruption
abhoraudio_icon.gifto hate deeply
amendaudio_icon.gifto change for the better
buffetaudio_icon.gif1. (v.) to slap or cuff; 2. (v.) to drive or force with blows; 3 (n.) a slap, blow
chaosaudio_icon.gifgreat confusion, disorder
commodiousaudio_icon.gifroomy, spacious
chaosaudio_icon.gifgreat confusion, disorder
commodiousaudio_icon.gifroomy, spacious
corrosiveaudio_icon.gif1. eating away gradually, acidlike; 2. bitterly sarcastic
discernaudio_icon.gifto see clearly, recognize
extantaudio_icon.gifstill existing; not exterminated, destroyed or lost
implicateaudio_icon.gifto involve in; to connect with or be related to
interaudio_icon.gifto bury
martinetaudio_icon.gifa strict disciplinarian; a stickler for the rules
obviateaudio_icon.gifto anticipate and prevent; to remove, dispose of
renegadeaudio_icon.gifone who leaves a group; deserter, outlaw
reprehensibleaudio_icon.gifdeserving blame or punishment
somberaudio_icon.gifdark, gloomy; depressed or melancholy in spirit
squalidaudio_icon.giffilthy, wretched, debased
turbulentaudio_icon.gifdisorderly, riotous, violent; stormy
vociferousaudio_icon.gifloud and noisy
voluminousaudio_icon.gif1. of great size; numerous; 2. writing or speaking at great length
waiveaudio_icon.gifto do without, give up voluntarily
animosityaudio_icon.gifstrong dislike; bitter hostility
apathyaudio_icon.giflack of feeling, emotion, or interest
apprehensiveaudio_icon.giffearful or anxious, especially about the future
commendaudio_icon.gif1. to praise, express approval; 2. to commit to the care of
compatibleaudio_icon.gifable to get along or work well together
condolenceaudio_icon.gifan expression of sympathy
consecrateaudio_icon.gif1. to make sacred, hallow; 2. to set apart for a special purpose
decrepitaudio_icon.gifold and feeble; worn-out, ruined
derideaudio_icon.gifto ridicule, laugh at with contempt
ingenuousaudio_icon.gifinnocent, simple; frank, sincere
multifariousaudio_icon.gifhaving great variety; numerous and diverse
obsoleteaudio_icon.gifout-of-date, no longer in use
omnivorousaudio_icon.gifeating every kind of food
parsimoniousaudio_icon.gifstingy, miserly
quandaryaudio_icon.gifstate of perplexity or doubt
recalcitrantaudio_icon.gifstubbornly disobedient, resisting authority
reprisalaudio_icon.gifan injury done in return for injury; retaliation
revelaudio_icon.gif1. (v.) to take great pleasure in; 2. (n.) wild celebration
stultifyaudio_icon.gifto make ineffective or useless
suaveaudio_icon.gifsmoothly agreeable or polite; pleasing to the senses
allocateaudio_icon.gifto set apart or designate for a special purpose; to distribute
ardentaudio_icon.gifvery enthusiastic, impassioned
assiduousaudio_icon.gifpersistent, attentive, diligent
brashaudio_icon.gifprone to act in a hasty manner; impudent
capriciousaudio_icon.gifsubject to whims or passing fancies
chastiseaudio_icon.gifto inflict physical punishment as a means of correction; to scold severely
copiousaudio_icon.gifabundant; plentiful; wordy, verbose
deviate (V.) audio_icon.gifto turn aside; to stray from a norm
deviate (n.) audio_icon.gifone who departs from a norm
emaciatedaudio_icon.gifunnaturally thin
gnarledaudio_icon.gifknotted, twisted, lumpy
indemnityaudio_icon.gifa payment for damage or loss
inklingaudio_icon.gifa hint; a vague notion
limpidaudio_icon.gifclear, transparent; readily understood
omnipotentaudio_icon.gifalmighty, having unlimited power or authority
palatableaudio_icon.gifagreeable to the taste or one's sensibilities; suitable for consumption
poignantaudio_icon.gifdeeply affecting, touching; keen or sharp in taste or smell
rancoraudio_icon.gifbitter resentment or ill-will
sophomoricaudio_icon.gifimmature and overconfident; conceited
spontaneousaudio_icon.gifarising naturally; not planned or engineered in advance
exultaudio_icon.gifto rejoice greatly
acquiesceaudio_icon.gifto accept without protest; to agree or submit
allureaudio_icon.gifto entice, tempt
askewaudio_icon.giftwisted to one side, crooked; disapprovingly
blitheaudio_icon.gif1. cheerful, lighthearted; 2. casual, unconcerned
contentiousaudio_icon.gifquarrelsome, inclined to argue
covetaudio_icon.gifto desire something belonging to another
crestfallenaudio_icon.gifdiscouraged, dejected, downcast
disheveledaudio_icon.gifrumpled, mussed; hanging in disorder
exponentaudio_icon.gifone who advocates, speaks for, explains, or interprets
garrulousaudio_icon.gifgiven to much talking, tediously chatty
insuperableaudio_icon.gifincapable of being overcome
lamentableaudio_icon.gifto be regretted or pitied
misnomeraudio_icon.gifan unsuitable or misleading name
professaudio_icon.gifto affirm openly; to state belief in; to claim, pretend
respiteaudio_icon.gifa period of relief or rest
retributionaudio_icon.gif1. repayment; 2. deserved punishment
sinuousaudio_icon.gif1. winding, having many curves; 2. lithe and flexible
sonorousaudio_icon.gif1. full, deep, or rich in sound; 2. impressive in style
vanguardaudio_icon.gif1. the foremost part of an army; 2. the leading position in any field
wastrelaudio_icon.gifa wasteful person; a good-for-nothing