Units 1 - 6 Vocabulary

Synonym Crossword Puzzle

Complete the crossword, and then click Check to check your answers. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

      1          2          
3               4           
      6           7         
12        13      14              
 21   22                      
25          26                

3. protected
4. great fire
5. malignant
6. pollute
8. gain
9. mercy
10. unselfish
12. root out
14. wave
16. real
17. dignified
19. treacherous
20. set out
21. crush
23. neglectful
25. wild
26. smelly
27. consent
28. skillful

1. supporter
2. forceful
3. untimely
7. definite
11. strange
13. find out
15. meddlesome
18. comfort
20. admiration
22. untidy
24. cure-all