1. | facile, versatile; use both hands equally well | 6. | underhanded, cunning, perfidious, sly | 7. | resilient, adaptable, supple, flexible | 8. | pollute, sully, contaminate | 10. | steadfastness, mettle, resolve | 11. | inconclusive, uncertain, provisional | 12. | exact; word for word | 14. | lavish, rich, plentiful, abundant | 16. | sloppy, disheveled, rough, disordered | 18. | bereaved; deprived of | 19. | impassive, phlegmatic |
2. | clue, indication, inkling | 3. | carefully, prudently, gingerly | 4. | ridicule, mock, deride, jeer | 5. | gawk, ogle | 9. | restate, rehash, recapitulate | 13. | amplify, enlarge, supplement | 15. | costume, pretense, semblance | 17. | station, organize, to arrange | 20. | bleak, harsh, forbidding, saturnine, melancholy |