Unit 4 Vocabulary

Synonym Crossword Puzzle

Complete the crossword, and then click Check to check your answers. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

 1              2          
4           5      6          

2. meet, unite, intersect, merge
3. composed, unruffled, indifferent, blase
4. snobbish, patronizing, overbearing
6. honor, respect, revere, admire
7. fulfillment, achievement
8. meticulous, conscientious, painstaking
9. universal cure, easy solution
11. sinister, malicious, wicked, malignant
12. attached, related, joined
13. annihilate, delete, efface
14. bestow, transmit, hand down
16. break up, dispel, scatter
17. bounded, measurable
18. lurk, prowl, slink

1. impregnable, impervious, immune
2. persuasive, compelling
5. wise, all-knowing
10. inexplicable, spooky, eerie
12. determine, discover
15. forgivable, excusable