Choose the word that best completes each sentence. You may need to change the form of the word to make it grammatically correct.
Mike studied vocabulary every night to try to ________________________ the chances of failing English again.
That the money was found in John's bookbag only helped to ___________________ him in the crime.
The ___________________ waters made surfing very difficult this morning.
The student __________________(ed) his right to an expulsion hearing and just transferred to a private school.
The students' behavior on the field trip was so _________________________ that the school cancelled all future field trips.
That some adults can't _________________ what is most important in life is seen when some people pay hundreds of dollars on a sports event when their children are in need of braces, doctor visits, education, and so on.
The prisoners were ___________________ in demanding their rights, but they were very quiet when asked about their victims' rights.
If we are not careful, the eagle will not be ___________________ and future generations will not have a chance to see one.
Mr. Smith gives ____________________ notes; I think I have filled two notebooks already and we have been in school for only three weeks.
Fred was usually a nice guy, but when we elected him to be captian, he turned itno a demanding _____________________ who is always admonishing us for everything.
The __________________ effect of salt causes cars in the Midwest to rust faster than they do in California.
The class agreed that most people ______________ crimes that involve the injury of children.
The three boys ______________(ed) their weapons, which were dug up by the police after one of the boys confessed.
After their children went to college, the Smiths' house became more _____________________.
Dr. Chan was so sad after seeing the ___________________ conditions of the area affected by the disaster that he decided to donate a million dollars to try to improve the situation.