A Separate Peace - Vocabulary


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convalescenceaudio_icon.gifgradual return to health and strength after illness
inveigleaudio_icon.gifto win over by coaxing, flattery, or artful talk
prodigiousaudio_icon.gifimpressively great in size, force, or extant; enormous
emblemaudio_icon.gifan object or a representation that functions as a symbol
inaneaudio_icon.gifone that lacks sense or substance
punaudio_icon.gifplay on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words
venerableaudio_icon.gifcommanding respect by virtue of age, dignity, character, or position
inureaudio_icon.gifto make tough by habitual exposure
inebriateaudio_icon.gifto exhilarate or stupefy as if with alcohol
enmityaudio_icon.gifdeep-seated, often mutual hatred
rivalryaudio_icon.gifthe state or condition of competition or antagonism
vulnerableaudio_icon.gifsusceptible to physical or emotional injury
infirmaryaudio_icon.gifplace for the care of the sick or injured, especially a small hospital
optimisticaudio_icon.gifexpecting the best in this best of all possible worlds
decalogueaudio_icon.gifa fundamental set of rules having authoritative weight; ten commandments
jounceaudio_icon.gifto move or cause to move with bumps and jolts; bounce
exhortaudio_icon.gifto urge by strong, often stirring argument, admonition, advice, or appeal
vindicateaudio_icon.gifto clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt
sinecureaudio_icon.gifposition or office that requires little or no work but provides a salary
fratricideaudio_icon.gifthe killing of one's brother or sister
arsenicaudio_icon.gifpoisonous element
gloweraudio_icon.gifto look or stare angrily or sullenly
indignantaudio_icon.gifangered at something unjust or wrong
insinuationaudio_icon.gifan indirect (and usually malicious) implication
bequestaudio_icon.gifthe act of giving, leaving by will, or passing on to another
gaitaudio_icon.gifparticular way or manner of moving on foot
grimaceaudio_icon.gifsharp contortion of the face expressive of pain, contempt, or disguts
gullaudio_icon.gifperson who is easily tricked or cheated; a dupe
vagaryaudio_icon.gifan extravagant, erratic, or unpredictable notion, action, or occurrence
multifariousaudio_icon.gifhaving great variety; diverse
accoladeaudio_icon.gifan expression of approval; praise
presageaudio_icon.gifan indication or warning of a future occurrence; an omen; a feeling or intuition of what is going to occur
furloughaudio_icon.gifa leave of absence or vacation, especially one granted to a member of the armed forces
rejoinderaudio_icon.gifan answer, especially to a reply
pantomimeaudio_icon.gifcommunication by means of gesture and facial expression
tacitaudio_icon.gifnot spoken; implied by or inferred from actions or statements
guilefulaudio_icon.gifdeceitfully or treacherously cunning
innateaudio_icon.gifpossessed at birth; inborn
undulationaudio_icon.gifregular rising and falling or movement to alternating sides
animosityaudio_icon.gifbitter hostility or open enmity; active hatred
amidaudio_icon.gifsurrounded by; in the middle of
poignantaudio_icon.gifprofoundly moving; touching
bellicoseaudio_icon.gifwarlike in manner or temperament; pugnacious
scowlaudio_icon.gifto wrinkle or contract the brow as an expression of anger or disapproval