Unit 7 Vocabulary

Synonym Crossword Puzzle

Complete the crossword, and then click on Check to check your answer. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

1       2                
    3          4         
  6               7      
   11        12            
   14      15              


1. wild, rowdy, uncontrolled, riotous, noisy
3. High school graduation is a(n) _________________ time in almost everyone's life.
6. peppy, spirited, full of life
8. "So long." "Good-bye."
9. to swamp, to overwhelm by numbers or size
10. to badmouth, defame, vilify, speak evil of
11. interval, interlude
13. tramp, drifter, vagabond, nomad
16. reflective, dreamy, contemplative, wistful
18. coming into place or view; approach
19. spurious, fake, phony
20. incorporate, digest, blend in


2. overpriced, extreme, inordinate, excessive
4. of poor quality; cheaply put together, tacky
5. hazardous, unsafe, risky, chancy
7. grouchy, hostile, cranky
12. zigzag, roam, ramble
14. acme, summit, peak
15. tongue-lashing, harangue, angry speech, diatribe
17. large urban center, a large city