
Papers | Speech | Resources | Research








General Resources:

MS WORD NOTES -- Notes on how to use Microsoft Word to format papers correctly.  This handout includes how to include a proper header, how to set margins, and how to double space.  This can be helpful as a review or step-by-step approach to using MS Word correctly.

Writing Rubric -- Below is the writing rubric that I use to grade your paper. If you lost your copy, print one out.

CITRIX -- Please try to use MS WORD through Citrix. If for some reason you can't get Citrix to work and you don't already have MS Word, try the program below.

ABI WORD  -- If you can't access MS Word through Citrix, try this program. It will do everything you need MS Word to do, but it is FREE.  Check it out.

Research Skills:



Works Cited -- Online Sources

Works Cited -- Online Sources Activity

Library Activity


Citation Powerpoint -- Click here to see a slideshow of how to do notecards.

Examples of index cards -- Click on links below to see examples of source cards and note cards.

Research Links:

The Write Source -- A good site to see MLA documentation of electronic sources.

MLA CITATION MACHINE -- Type in the appropriate information and the website will do the works cited entry for you.

MLA CITATION MACHINE #2 -- Type in the appropriate information and let the computer do the work for you. 

SAMPLE OF WORKS CITED -- Look at how a works cited page should look.

WORKS CITED -- Another helpful site.




September 11, 2010

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