Word Stem Units 1 - 3 -- Keywords -- Flashcards


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antecedentsomething that happens before another
bipedtwo-footed animal
commemoratehonor; memorialize
despicableworthy of hatred
interjectinsert between; interrupt
introvertshy person
misconceptionmistaken opinion or belief
posthumousafter death
semiannualtwice a year or half-yearly
antagonistopponent; enemy
circumspectcautious; carefully aware
condescendtalk or behave in a way to show you think you are better; lower oneself
disarraydisorganized, untidy
extravagantgoing beyond; excessive
intramuralwithin the walls; involving only students at the same school
nonchalantcoolly unconcerned
prejudiceopinion formed beforehand
subordinatelower rank
superficialshallow, not deep
symbolsomething that represents something else
unabashednot embarrassed
anarchydisorder; chaos
genocidemurder of large number of people because of race
laryngitisinflammation of the voice box that causes loss of voice
audibleable to be heard
captivateattract attention by being extremely interesting
biopsyremoval of body tissue to discover if it is diseased