Read each sentence and click on each word that is an adjective. Please ignore articles (the, a, an), possessive pronouns, and demonstrative pronouns. These words do act like adjectives, but for the sake of this exercise, please ignore Articles & Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns.
Everyone knows that Mike doesn't like that silly girl.
The first artist I would pick is the incredible Leonardo da Vinci.
This class is long and boring.
The dark, plush carpet was light red.
The English teacher really has a chip on his shoulder.
The fancy dress was ruined by the end of the wedding.
The smart girl quickly did her homework.
The angry dog barked at the running man.
The parents felt proud because their kind daughter helped their needy neighbor.
Mr. Smith is a jealous husband who suspects his comely wife is cheating on him.
Those two had a bitter divorce.
The lively party finally came to a wonderful end.
The maintenance man is here to fix the broken furnace.