Read each sentence and click on each word that is an adverb. It is possible for sentence to have no adverb. If that is the case leave all words unchecked.
Soon we will have to visit your crabby grandmother.
We will pick up our new car tomorrow.
It has been made painfully clear she does not like me anymore.
Mark never says nice things to anyone.
Patricia also thinks this is a very bad idea.
Please work on this paper quietly.
First, put the boiling water slowly into the mixture.
It has become quite cloudy outside.
Unfortunately this website is not working at the moment.
Will this class ever end?
This grammar work is extremely difficult.
The customers calmly exited the store after the fire alarm sounded.
The liquid was somewhat dark in color.
Four exercises feel a little superfluous.
The neophyte ice skater crashed hard on the ice.
The teacher patiently listened to the various complaints from the students.
They brought it downstairs before accidentally dropping it.
Always be sure to turn your homework in on time.
The students often complain about this annoyingly difficult teacher.
Suzy recently retired from her forty-year-long job.