Vocab Units 1 - 8 Flashcards

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acquisitiveaudio_icon.gifeager to gain possessions or ideas
arrogateaudio_icon.gifto take or claim without right
banalaudio_icon.giflacking originality and freshness
belaboraudio_icon.gifexplain or discuss more than necessary
carpingaudio_icon.gifcomplaining; fault finding
coherentaudio_icon.gifmeaningful, logical
congealaudio_icon.gifharden, thicken
emulateaudio_icon.gifto imitate, with hopes to equal or to outdo
encomiumaudio_icon.gifexpression of praise
insatiableaudio_icon.gifimpossible to satisfy
largesseaudio_icon.gifgenerous gift or donation
reconnaissanceaudio_icon.gifinspection of an area, mostly to gather military information
substantiateaudio_icon.gifsupport with evidence
taciturnaudio_icon.gifnot talkative
temporizeaudio_icon.gifdelay, stall
tenableaudio_icon.gifable to be defended
accostaudio_icon.gifto approach and speak to someone with a demand or a request
animadversionaudio_icon.gifharsh criticism
brackishaudio_icon.gifslightly salty water; unpleasant to drink; mixture of sea water and fresh water
deviousaudio_icon.gifmisleading, tricky; not honest
gambitaudio_icon.gifan opening move or remark where one gives up something small with the hopes of gaining an upper hand
halcyonaudio_icon.gifcalm and peaceful
histrionicaudio_icon.gifexcessively dramatic or emotional
incendiaryaudio_icon.gifcausing fires or conflict
maelstromaudio_icon.gif1. large and violent whirlpool; 2. any violent or disorderly situation; chaos
overtaudio_icon.gifnot secret
proprietyaudio_icon.gifcorrect or appropriate behavior
sacrilegeaudio_icon.gifdisrespectful treatment of something regarded as sacred
talismanaudio_icon.gifany object thought to have magical or protective powers
undulateaudio_icon.gifmake something move in a wavelike motion
articulateaudio_icon.gifspeak clearly
cavortaudio_icon.gifmove about carelessly and playfully
credenceaudio_icon.gifbelievability; belief
decryaudio_icon.gifto speak out against
dissembleaudio_icon.gifto disguise or hide the truth
distraughtaudio_icon.gifextremely sad or worried
eulogyaudio_icon.gifa speech to honor a dead person
evinceaudio_icon.gifto show clearly
exhumeaudio_icon.gifremove from a grave
fecklessaudio_icon.gifuseless; weak
murkyaudio_icon.gifdark, gloomy; foggy
nefariousaudio_icon.gifextremely evil; wicked
piquantaudio_icon.gifpleasantly spicy; attractive
primordialaudio_icon.gifhaving existed from the beginning; original; earliest
propinquityaudio_icon.gifnearness, similarity
utopianaudio_icon.gifimpossible wish for things to be perfect
verdantaudio_icon.gifgreen; fresh
viscousaudio_icon.gifthick and sticky
atrophyaudio_icon.gifwasting away (especially of a body part)
bastionaudio_icon.gifplace that provides safety and protection
concordaudio_icon.gifagreement; harmony
disarrayaudio_icon.gifdisorder; confusion
exigencyaudio_icon.gifurgency; emergency
flotsamaudio_icon.gif1. floating debris; 2. useless or unimportant items
freneticaudio_icon.gifwildly excited or active
gleanaudio_icon.gifto learn or discover little by little
incarcerateaudio_icon.gifput into jail
incumbentaudio_icon.gif1. required; 2. official who holds an office
jocularaudio_icon.gifhumorous, joking
ludicrousaudio_icon.gifridiculous; idiotic; absurd
mordantaudio_icon.gifsarcastic; biting; bitterly harsh
nettleaudio_icon.gif1. stinging plant; 2. irritate
pecuniaryaudio_icon.gifrelating to money
stratagemaudio_icon.giftrick or plan for deceiving
acuityaudio_icon.gifsharpness, clearness (esp. of mind or vision)
delineateaudio_icon.gifto describe or outline
depravedaudio_icon.gifwicked; morally corrupt
esotericaudio_icon.gifunderstood only by a chosen few
fecundaudio_icon.gifextremely productive; fertile
fiataudio_icon.gifcommand; order
figmentaudio_icon.gifsomething made up; fictitious
garneraudio_icon.gifto get; gather; collect
hallowaudio_icon.gifto make holy; to bless
idiosyncrasyaudio_icon.gifunique behavior or characteristic
ignominyaudio_icon.gifgreat shame, disgrace, humiliation
mundaneaudio_icon.gifordinary, commonplace, banal
nuanceaudio_icon.gifbarely noticeable difference; shade; hard-to-grasp detail
overweeningaudio_icon.gifoverconfident; arrogant
penchantaudio_icon.gifstrong liking; taste
reputedaudio_icon.gifwidely believed; reported
sophistryaudio_icon.gifreasoning that seems believable but is actually misleading
sumptuousaudio_icon.gifexpensive; magnficent
ubiquitousaudio_icon.gifexisting everywhere
abjectaudio_icon.gifmiserable and hopeless
agnosticaudio_icon.gifdoubter, especially about the existence of a god
complicityaudio_icon.gifinvolvement in wrongdoing
derelictaudio_icon.gifdeserted, neglected
diatribeaudio_icon.gifa long, abusive verbal attack
effigyaudio_icon.gifimage or representation of a person
equityaudio_icon.gif1. money value of a property;
2. fairness
inaneaudio_icon.gifsenseless, silly
indictmentaudio_icon.gifaccusing or charging with a crime
indubitableaudio_icon.gifunquestionable; cannot be doubted
intermittentaudio_icon.gifstopping and starting again; periodic
mootaudio_icon.gifhaving no real importance; pointless to continue to discuss
motifaudio_icon.gifrepeated central idea or theme
perspicacityaudio_icon.gifability to understand clearly; insight
plenaryaudio_icon.giffull; complete
surveillanceaudio_icon.gifclose observation of a person or group, especially one under suspicion
sylvanaudio_icon.gifcharacteristics of woods; forest-like
testyaudio_icon.gifeasily annoyed
travestyaudio_icon.giffalse or exaggerated representation of something; mockery
allayaudio_icon.gifrelieve, calm
bestialaudio_icon.gifbeastlike, brutal
convivialaudio_icon.gifsociable, festive
coterieaudio_icon.gifexclusive circle of people with a common purpose
counterpartaudio_icon.gifone that closely resembles another
demuraudio_icon.gifobject; oppose
effronteryaudio_icon.gifshameless boldness; nerve
embellishaudio_icon.gifadd details to, exaggerate
ephemeralaudio_icon.giflasting a very short time, short-lived
felicitousaudio_icon.gifhaving happiness or good luck; appropriate
furtiveaudio_icon.gifsecretive, sneaky, done to escape notice
garishaudio_icon.giftastelessly showy; so colorful as to be in bad taste
illusoryaudio_icon.gifmisleading; deceptive; causing illusion
indigentaudio_icon.gifextremely poor
inordinateaudio_icon.gifexcessive; too much
jettisonaudio_icon.gifget rid of something unwanted; throw away
pertinaciousaudio_icon.gifunwilling to give up; stubborn
picayuneaudio_icon.gifof small value or importance; trivial
allegeaudio_icon.gifclaim without proof
arrantaudio_icon.gifcomplete, utter, downright
badinageaudio_icon.gifplayful conversation; discussion with a lot of jokes
conciliateaudio_icon.gifmake calm; win over
countermandaudio_icon.gifcommand to cancel a previous order or command
echelonaudio_icon.giflevel or rank
exacerbateaudio_icon.gifto make worse
fatuousaudio_icon.gifvery stupid; unreal
irrefutableaudio_icon.gifimpossible to deny or prove wrong
juggernautaudio_icon.giflarge, unstoppable force or power that crushes whatever is in its way
lackadaisicalaudio_icon.gifshowing no interest or enthusiasm
litanyaudio_icon.giflong list of things that someone talks about
macabreaudio_icon.gifgruesome or frightening, usually involving death
paucityaudio_icon.giflack; few in number
portendaudio_icon.gifpredict or foreshadow; give warning of
razeaudio_icon.gifdemolish; destroy to the ground
recantaudio_icon.giftake back a statement made earlier
saturateaudio_icon.gifsoak, fill, or load to capacity
sloughaudio_icon.gifto shed, get rid of (esp. skin)
saturnineaudio_icon.gifgloomy, bitter, and overly serious